
As I breathe my body & mind are working together in a powerful combination
 guiding me towards my baby's birth
With each breath my mind focuses downward working with my muscles
 to ease my baby into the world

I love my role as a ShineBirth practitioner, to be able to assist parents on their  journey towards the birth of a new baby is a great privilege. Each birth is unique and there is so much the process of a HypnoBirth experience can teach us about other aspects of life.
Hypnobirthing can be taught individually or in a small group with other expectant parents. I offer the option of two sessions over two consecutive days or four sessions spread over four evenings. Please contact me if you would like to know more about  ShineBrith and how it can help you to achieve the birth you would like for your baby.


To find out more about KGHypnobirthing visit

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